The search for Bambolim Beach

A travel guide to getting lost, literally

Renuka Ghate (ArtistMichi)


Mesmerising waves of the beach in Bambolim

Someone once mentioned that the beach in Bambolim, Goa is a beautiful beach and not many tourists hog it so its relatively “clean” and peaceful. One fine day, me and my husband, we decided to take a ride around evening to see it for ourselves. My husband is wonderful with maps, while me on the other hand, am quite horrible with it.

Le me with directions…

My husband memorised the route and we began our journey, it started out pretty good. Then immediately the road became a narrow and winding like a roller coaster! I was worried whether it was the right path but I knew better than to trust my map-instinct and left all the navigation to my husband.

The route to the beach from the medical college right in front of the Bambolim bus stop (image is linked to the directions)

The road sides where filled with greenery, some fields scattered here and there, beautiful nature, a sight for sore eyes one can say. Of course there were a few magnificent resorts on the way, which even though we wanted to stay in, our bank balance gently nudged us away.

After that set of resorts, it felt like we were suddenly pushed into a dense jungle! The sky was barely visible and it felt darker, as if the afternoon suddenly turned past twilight! There were ruins scattered among the jungle and except for the occasional vehicle, it was extremely silent…

Trees and greenery all around! Did we take a wrong turn?

There was no right turn, no road or diversion that goes anywhere except front, the map clearly said to take a right turn after the set of resorts but we must’ve missed it somewhere! Woosh! I whipped out my phone and opened Maps, yikes! We were a couple kilometres farther than the turn! But wait! Why didn’t we see any signs like “Way to the beach” or even a road that goes to the beach?!

We went back a bit and bam! In that dense jungle both our phone’s signal went dead and we had no idea whether to continue or go back. We could see the beach on one side but there was no clear path amidst the shrubbery and trees. As we were slowly coming back, we spotted a way down, looked creepy but we could definitely see the beach at the end; we jumped and headed for the clearing.

Ah such a sight and look! We caught the sun heading back home! :D

Ah! Such a sight it was! It really was calm and peaceful! Soothing winds, the smell of the ocean, the soft dark sand beneath our feet… I was surprised that we never knew of such a peaceful spot. There was a family playing in the waves, some kids with their parents and relatives I guess. I enjoyed going to that beach but my husband was worried the whole time about our safety because lonely beaches attract purse and chain snatchers.

The sand was a cool dark brown, towards the right there were large boulders scattered here and there and some people were wandering over it.

To the far right we saw many people wandering on the rocks and just enjoying the beach when we realised that we really did miss a turn somewhere, so we walked towards the people and to our surprise what looked like a narrow path opened up to a much wider beach with a lot of people! There were people playing football, kids running here and there, some building sand castles and couples just enjoying being with each other!

It wasn’t such a lonely beach after all!

Yes the actual path was somewhere else, we discovered that later while returning, a narrow muddy path right next to a resort was where Google Maps was telling us to go. The path isn’t noticeable and looks creepy. Well, we left much the wiser and next time we decide a trip to this beach, we know which path to take. :)

All illustrations are by me, follow me on Instagram for more!

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Renuka Ghate (ArtistMichi)

An artist and story writer who enjoys writing stories for children